Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Browning's Yummy Brownies

1 cup margerine
1/2 cup coco.
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
3 tsp. vanilla
1 cup flour
1 cup chocolate chips (optinal)

First pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. And greasing your 9x13 backing pan. (this is a bad thing to forget, I would

Then start by melting your margerin compleatly in a a large glass bowl in the the microwave. Then add your coco and sugar and mix together with a wodden spoon. Once this is combined add your eggs one at a time making sure they are mixed in. (you can do them all at once but then it will take you longer to get they all mixed together so this is just a time saver for you and how my mother always told me to do Once your eggs are all mixed in you add your vanilla mix that all in and then add your four and do your final mix. 

Then pour your mix into your greased backing pan and and bank it softly agaist your counter top to bring any bubbles to the serface.If you are going to use the chocolate chips now is the time to add them by sprinckling them evenly over the top on the brownies. Your then place your brownies in the hot oven for 30 to 35 min. until the top starts to crack. Take them out and let them cook, then cut and serve and Enjoy!

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