Friday, September 10, 2010

Jello Cake Anyone?

This bad boy is so easy to make the kids and help and they will be smiling the whole time.

You will need one white cake mix. One box of your favoret jello and whip cream, frosting, or berrys like us.

First mix up your cake mix as the box says and bake till done, In all just follow the box. If you are one of those super heros who can make a white cake from scratch I bow down to you and say go for it. 
Once you pull your cake from the over go ahead get your jello ready, you want to only do the boiling water portion because you just want the powder to disolve. Once that is mixed up take a butter knigh making small slits all over the cake and at different depths if you choose. Once your cake has enough slits take your Jello and pour it over the top. Once its all dumped over your cake (and if will kind of be sitting on top) slip it into your fridge and let it all set up. 

Now for the frosting part we took some frozen berries and ground them up into a mush. If it gets a little hard to grind you can add a little bit of water. Once its a mush add about 2 TBSPs of sugarand blend in. Once its all blended put in a sauce pan and bring to a boil for about 3 to 5 mins to keep it from seperating and place in a container to go into the fridge. Its best to let your cake set over night to make sure the jello sets up. 

Once you are ready to eat it cut it as normal and add your choosen topping right as you are surving it. And then enjoy! I know my kids did.